Saturday, January 28, 2012

What can movement add to a performance? - Example 2

The next example of a music and movement relationship is brass ensemble playing for dancers.  In this example, I am specifically talking about professional dancers and choreographed works.  I was able to find two excellent examples online. The first is example is the San Antonio Brass.  This brass quintet collaborated with the Guadalupe Dance Company, "one of the leading Folklórico and Flamenco dance groups."1  

In this performance, dance and music are combined to create art, celebrate culture, and share a traditional Spanish and Mexican dance style.

Another example of dancers with brass is the Music in Motion project. It is a collaboration (in progress, I believe) between the Atlantic Brass Quintet and the kerPlunk Dance Company.  The performers include the 5 brass musicians and 5 dancers.  Here is a link to the Atlantic Brass Quintet website which includes a promotional video and a press release with information about the collaboration.

Hopefully there will be an opportunity to see a performance! Working with other artists is inspiring and educational. I hope to do something like this in the future. 

See also:

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  1. I really like this topic. It is basic human nature to tap our feet, dance, move around and generally flow with the music. Cool vid!

  2. Megan,

    I really like your theme, you should be able to find many diverse things to explore. Might I suggest you darken your post font? the pink is a bit hard to read, and it should be pretty easy to change it in settings.

    PS - The video we made for Music in Motion is here:
